Time is Now: An Interview with Pressure Busspipe

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May 9, 2014


LargeUp: Listening to the album, you sound like you are on a mission, vastly different than the last venture.

Pressure BussPipe: I’m glad… This one carries a frequency the world yearns for right now. There is nothing really pretty about the album and I like to say that. This album is raw and grassroots, earthy in its nature. It’s foundation—nothing about romance, sorry ladies— being about real uplifting movements. Talking to and about the people on a larger scale.

LU: Does this come at a particular time in regards to the Virgin Islands?

BussPipe: Fortunately JAH will saw it fit to make Tippy and I link up at the proper time. For us to be able to hold the same head and heart at the same time and manifest positive works is a powerful thing. That feeling came through on The Sound, while JAH was in the midst the whole time. Everything from the first release “VI Nice,” up until now has been so timely and fitting to the moment.

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