Fashion Fridays: Butch Diva x Patra

July 22, 2011

Words by Eddie STATS Houghton

We have been moving in the same circles as Brooklyn-based, Trini-connected designer Tiffany Rhodes for a second now, watching her develop her boutique line of Butch Diva spandex creations into a small movement. So she was about due for her own Fashion Fridays profile ANYWAYS. But then, just to cinch the nomination she enlisted Patra (yes, that Patra; “Romantic Call,” the hangs-out-with-Yo-Yo-and-is-also-known-as-Lady-Shabba Patra) as the line’s new spokesmodel and posted some pics to her blog to prove it.  The dancehall queen is a perfect choice, of course, since Butch Diva’s signature look is a combination of ouch-girl aesthetics and bold hipster-friendly patterns, put into a pot together and then lit on fire. Best believe we will be following up on this powerful diva-lliance in future, bit for now check a selection of Butch Diva designs to get the flavor (after the jump).