Brown is Beautiful: Los Rakas Large Up Las Morenas On “Africana”

November 28, 2012

Words by Jesse Serwer—

Los Rakas-Africana

“Si las mujeres mas buenas son las morena,” Los Rakas’ Raka Rich suggests on “Africana,” the latest single from the Panamanian duo from out of California’s Bay Area. Non-Spanish speakers might miss some things in translation, but Rich and rhyme partner Raka Dun’s message on “Africana” is loud and clear: brown skinned women are the best women. No matter how you slice it, the poppy, reggae-tinged tune, produced by frequent Rakas collaborator Yeti Beats, sends a positive message to gals of darker complexion and African heritage. And if you can’t follow the lyrics, the alluring cover art goes a long way to getting the point across.

Stream and download “Africana” below, and look out for a trio of releases from the group coming up: Raka Dun’s El Negrito Dun Dun and Raka Rich’s El Flow Californiano: Vol 2 solo albums and a group LP, Panabay Twist 3: Trabajando De La Noche A La Manana. Need some more Rakas in your life to tide you over til then? Catch our LargeUp TV episode with Rich and Dun from back in early 2011.