Toppa Top 10: Ten Summer Coolers + Cocktails

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
June 20, 2012

9. Shandy Carib (Trinidad & Tobago)

Technically speaking this isn’t a cocktail or a cooler, but it’s a refreshing summertime drink that—depending on where you live and the selection of your local supermarket—might be sitting right under your nose. Shandies (or shandygaffs if you’re on some real proper business)—beer mixed with a carbonated citrus beverage or ginger beer—are enjoyed everywhere from Australia to Austria, but Trinidad & Tobago actually puts them in a bottle, and exports them in three different flavors. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, though, this isn’t the drink for you—the Ginger, Sorrel and Lime flavors of Shandy Carib fall way more on the side of soft drinks than beer.